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Education, Music

Music and Joy in the Slums of Nairobi: The Gatoto Primary School

Last time on “Sunday With Sarah” I shared my observations of my visit to a Waldorf school for Samburu children in the African bush.

This week, I describe a very different visit — this time to an urban school in the slums of Nairobi. The Gatoto Primary School is not a Waldorf school, but the joy, love and beauty I experienced here moved me in deep and profound ways.

After listening to my story, please click on the link below to hear the children of Gatoto sing!

And click the video below to listen to the children recite poetry under the direction of their elocution teacher.

You can find more video recordings of the children of Gatoto by searching YouTube for “Gatoto School.”

As always, I welcome your comments and questions. If you have any ideas on how I might be able to bring these children to the U.S. to sing for American audiences to raise money for the school and awareness of life in the slums, please drop be a line!

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