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Childhood, Parenting, Sunday With Sarah, TV and Media

Screen-Free Week: My Decision to Pull the Plug



This week on Sunday With Sarah, I share the story of my decision to pull the plug many years ago during TV-Turnoff Week. Not easy while living in Hollywood and being immersed in the entertainment world.

How’d it go? Listen and find out!

For more information and inspiration, please visit Screen-Free Week and the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood.

Screen-Free Week 2016 is from May 2 to May 8. Are you inspired to pull the plug on TV, videos, and computers for a week? Is your family already media-free?

Please share your challenges and triumphs here!

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Dress Up Play, Natural Toys, Outdoor Play, Sarah's Silks, Summer

Summer in Maine with Sarah’s Silks

Summer in Maine is a short, but sweet season that we Mainers look forward to all winter long. It’s a season to celebrate!

Our friends at Sarah’s Silks have created beautiful dress-ups and silk playthings for children to celebrate summer. Ideal for warm summer days, pure silk is nourishing to a child’s senses: lightweight and cool to the touch.

May you and your children enjoy these last, sweet weeks of summer!






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