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Childhood, Parenting, Sunday With Sarah, TV and Media

Screen-Free Week: My Decision to Pull the Plug



This week on Sunday With Sarah, I share the story of my decision to pull the plug many years ago during TV-Turnoff Week. Not easy while living in Hollywood and being immersed in the entertainment world.

How’d it go? Listen and find out!

For more information and inspiration, please visit Screen-Free Week and the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood.

Screen-Free Week 2016 is from May 2 to May 8. Are you inspired to pull the plug on TV, videos, and computers for a week? Is your family already media-free?

Please share your challenges and triumphs here!

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Family, Sunday With Sarah, TV and Media, Waldorf Education

I Want to Turn Off the TV, but My Spouse is Not Onboard



This week I answer a question from a viewer.

Angela S. wrote:

What do you do when your spouse isn’t on the same page when it comes to turning off the TV?

My husband is huge into video games and sci-fi movies and TV shows. He loves technology and has made a point that it’s important for children to know how to use technology because it is so prevalent in today’s society and will be for years to come. He has told me that he’s heard from a teacher that those kids [who haven’t been exposed to technology] are always behind.

Also, what would be the best thing to do when someone offers to watch our son for us? They are doing us a favor and we feel a bit rude telling them that they can’t have the tv on the whole time. Our son has also come to really love a certain TV show and will beg to watch it and get really upset [if he can’t]. He’s almost 20 months old.

I feel like it’s still possible to kick the habit, but how do I get others on the same page? And how do I keep him interested in other things? He also has no patience for being read to.

Click on the video link above to hear my response to Angela.

What is your feeling about young children and screen time? Have you pulled the plug? Thinking about it? Or do you feel that screen time in moderation is not a bad thing? Would love to hear your thoughts and questions!



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