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waldorf education homeschool

Waldorf Education, Waldorf Homeschooling

Waldorf Homeschooling: Letting Go of Perfect

For most of their early childhood and elementary school years, my two boys attended a Waldorf school. But for two-and-a-half of those years, we were Waldorf homeschoolers.

Even though I spent years in teacher training, received a master’s degree in education, and read a plethora of books on child development and educational theory, I learned more about how children learn in those two years than from all the books and training combined.

I also found happiness in learning to be a “good enough” mother and teacher, and learned to let go of perfect.

Today, my first post as a guest contributor appears over at Simple Homeschool, documenting our experience as a Waldorf homeschoolers.

Hope you’ll drop by, and let me know what you think!

Waldorf Homeschooling: Learning to Let Go

Are you a Waldorf homeschooler? An Unschooler? What homeschool resources have you found helpful? I’d love to hear what’s working for you!

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