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Waldorf Nature Table
Crafts, Gratitude, Sarah's Silks

Creating a Waldorf Nature Table for Autumn

As I get ready to launch a new series here at Moon Child (stay tuned!), today I am pleased to share with you a guest post from a dear blogger friend, Helen Bird, author of the crafty blog Curly Birds with ideas on how to create an Autumn Nature Table, inspired by Waldorf traditions.

I hope it inspires you and your little ones to take a walk, gather treasures, and create your own seasonal table, a wonderful act of giving thanks to Mother Earth and her bounty.


Bella Luna Toys

Creating a seasonal nature table is an enchanting way to connect your child with nature and the rhythm of the year. It encourages reverence for the earth and teaches children to see beauty in everyday found objects.

A nature table can evolve through the season. New treasures—such as a stone or an acorn found on a walk—can be added day-to-day, while other items can be taken away as they wilt and fade. In this way, the table can naturally progress from one season to the next, reflecting the rhythm of the year.

Waldorf EducationA nature table can be as simple as a few nature finds lovingly placed on a tray, shelf, or window sill, or it can take up a whole table and be adorned with colorful play silks, handcrafted fairy folk and other seasonal items.

Waldorf Nature TableThe colors on the table represent the colors of the season – for autumn think warm hues of oranges, yellows, browns, and reds.

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bella luna toys

A New Year at Bella Luna Toys

HAPPY 2012!

When I became the new owner of Bella Luna Toys in 2009, my vision was not just to operate a retail website, but also to share my experience and expertise as a teacher, mother, and author on topics such as child development, play, and parenting.

To that end, I created Moon Child in order to communicate with our customers, and to connect with parents of young children seeking a different, more natural way of raising their children.

I envisioned the toy store as a small home-based business, and a way to bring in some income to help support the work I am passionate about – writing and sharing my love of Waldorf education.

Everything was going nicely, all according to plan. For about a year.


Thanks to the support of so many of you, Bella Luna Toys grew. And Grew. And GREW!

By early 2011, it was clear that we had outgrown the confines of the small barn next to my home here in Maine from which I was operating, and, even with my family’s help, I found myself trying to do at least three full-time jobs.

It was exciting seeing the business grow, but writing began to take a backseat to the day-to-day operation of Bella Luna Toys. By the spring I knew that it was time to make some big decisions.

Last April, Bella Luna Toys moved out of our cozy little barn at home and into a real warehouse in the nearby coastal town of Rockland, Maine (recently voted one of America’s coolest small towns), where we can walk to Main St. for lunch, and feel the ocean breeze.

Here, we have a spacious shipping area, I have my own office, and we and lots of room to grow. My husband Max, a writer, is very happy to have his home office back to himself where he can again compose his thoughts in peace, and not find himself covered with packing peanuts at the end of the day!

I also realized I needed more help. During the course of the past year, I hired my three “Shipping Fairies” – Liz, Jessie, and Sarah – all of whom did an AMAZING job keeping up with an extraordinary number of Christmas orders last month.

Now Sarah Reilly has become my full-time, Right-Hand Angel (some might call her a “manager”), in order to free up my time to the things that I love most: writing for the blog, discovering unique new natural toys for children, promoting the importance of play, and sharing my love of Waldorf education. (We hope that two Sarah’s won’t be too confusing for our customers.)

So my resolution for the New Year is to post more frequently, and to engage more fully with all of you.

In addition, we have some pretty big plans for Bella Luna Toys in 2012, which marks the 10th birthday of the company! We will have more giveaways, and some very special announcements during our 10th anniversary year. If you’re not subscribed already, be sure sign up for our newsletter so that you’re among the first to hear!

Thanks to those of you who have been a part of Bella Luna Toys’ growth this past year. We are filled with gratitude for your support and many kind words. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Wishing you and your families many blessings in 2012!



What changes did 2011 bring you and your families? What are your hopes and dreams for the coming year?

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For Preschoolers, Life is the Curriculum

When it comes to educating preschoolers at home, there is no need to spend lots of money on expensive packaged curriculum, and preschoolers don’t need workbooks.

The lessons that daily living offers have more value for  young children than anyone can imagine!

My guest post this month at SimpleHomeschool offers suggestions on activities to do at home with your preschooler that will fill your days with joy while you prepare your child for academic learning later.

Hope you’ll stop by and let me know what you think!

Are you homeschooling a preschooler? Do you use a curriculum? How do you spend your days at home?

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