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Childhood, Festivals, Parenting, Sunday With Sarah, Waldorf Education

Celebrating Festivals With Children

Festivals and celebrations are important for children and nourishing to family life.

Seasonal celebrations help children mark the passage of time and experience the rhythm of the year. Further, celebrating festivals connect us with community and bring deeper meaning to our lives.

This week on “Sunday with Sarah,” I share my thoughts on the importance of festivals for children.

What festivals, holidays, and celebrations does your family observe? Are there festivals that you celebrate with a larger community? Which are your favorites? Please share your thoughts here!

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  • Reply Maggie May 26, 2013 at 8:54 pm

    Lovely post Sarah,
    We love festivals in our home! We have pretty much every month a celebration, we celebrate all the festivals that you have mentioned and a few more, we have our religious festivals throughout the year as well, add to that the birthdays in our family and this makes for a very festive year. πŸ™‚ I think the only quite month is August in our home.
    It used to be more strenuous in the beginning, but after a couple of years we got so used to all the preparation that it became second nature and we enjoyed it so much that we would not want to miss them.
    We always had festivals throughout the year, even when I was a child, I just could not imagine a year without these events.


  • Reply K. G. April 27, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    Our family is Christian, so we have several holidays we celebrate. We celebrate Christmas with a “Happy Birthday, Jesus” cake and giving the gift of ourself to the rest of our family (examples including a handmade coupon that says “good for a free meal at your favorite restaurant” or “good for a free ukulele lesson.” We are also considering adding celebrations such as Epiphany (a celebration of Jesus first appearing to the Gentiles) and Pentecost (a celebration of the founding of the Church). To us, festivals are important not just for keeping track of the year, they’re also about remembering who we are as Christians. πŸ™‚

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